Brain & Nerve Symptoms Directory
Understanding the symptoms of brain and nerve issues is essential for early intervention and effective management. Explore our comprehensive guide to neurological symptoms, empowering you to recognize warning signs such as headaches, numbness, tingling, and more. Gain the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about seeking medical assistance.
- A dimpled chin
- A drooping eyelid and decreased sweating on the affected side of the face
- A high-arched palate (roof of the mouth)
- A long area between the nose and mouth (philtrum)
- A notable difference in pupil size between the two eyes (anisocoria)
- A persistently small pupil (miosis)
- A prominent lower face
- A sensation of tightness
- A small head
- A tongue that's more posteriorly positioned due to the small jaw
- A weak grip – you might drop things
- A widow's peak hairline (a v-shaped point in the hairline in the centre of the forehead is termed as widow's
- Abdominal cramps
- Abdominal issues
- Abdominal pain
- Abnormal (not typical) movements or seizures
- Abnormal and excessive hair growth
- Abnormal arms
- Abnormal blood pressure
- Abnormal bone marrow cells
- Abnormal calcium deposits
- Abnormal dental enamel morphology
- Abnormal feet
- Abnormal formation of the teeth
- Abnormal growth
- Abnormal growth delays before birth (intrauterine growth retardation)
- Abnormal hands
- Abnormal heart rate
- Abnormal hormone levels
- Abnormal movements
- Abnormal muscle stiffness (spasticity)
- Abnormal pupils
- Abnormal sensation
- Abnormal sexual development
- Abnormal sideways and front-to-back or side-to-side curvature of the spine (kyphoscoliosis) or concern for a spine abnormality
- Abnormal skeletal development
- Abnormal skin pigmentation
- Abnormal thinness
- Abnormalities in the inner corner of eyes
- Abnormalities of the brain and eyes
- Abnormality of the inner ear
- Above-average birth weight
- Abscesses
- Absence of reflexes
- Absent eyebrows
- Absent eyelashes
- Absent or impaired bowel function b
- Absent speech
- Aching
- Acid reflux and poor intestinal motility cause feeding difficulties
- Altered visual perception
- Amnesia
- An abnormally short neck
- An opening in the roof of the m
- An underdeveloped jaw and small chin
- And a small lower jaw (micrognathia
- And abnormal movements and postures
- And arms) (which cause jerks or twitches of the upper body
- And dietary changes
- And elbow weakness or limpness
- And face are usually spared
- And fever
- And graying of colors
- And hands
- And hearing loss
- And involuntary lateral movements of eyebloo
- And middle ear anomalies
- And mouth
- And spasticity. later onset: erratic behavior
- And stiffness
- And swallowingbloo
- And tonic seizures (which induce stiffness of the bodily muscles
- And undersized jawline
- And weak muscle tone
- And/or brain abnormalities
- And/or webbing of the neck
- Anemia
- Anxiety
- Aplasia
- Arm
- Arm and elbow
- Arm or leg
- Arm pain
- Arm paralysis
- Arm weakness
- Arms
- Arrhythmia
- Asymmetric
- Asymptomatic
- Ataxia
- Atrophy
- Attacks of pain lasting from a few seconds to several minutes
- Awkward movement of muscles
- Back pain
- Balance problems
- Becoming angry for no real reason
- Bedridden and compl
- Behavioral changes
- Behavioral disturbances
- Behavioral problems
- Behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and irritability may become obvious earlier
- Behavioral variant: perseverative
- Birth defects
- Bladder or bowel dysfunction from spinal cord damageblood
- Bleeding in mucus membranes
- Bleeding through the skin
- Blindness
- Blindness in one or both eyes
- Blistering skin lesions that develop on sun-exposed skin (photosensitivity)
- Bloating
- Blocked nasal pathway
- Blocked tear ducts
- Blood disorders
- Blood in the urine
- Blood in urine
- Blurred vision
- Blurred vision or blindness
- Blurry central vision
- Blurry vision or sensitivity to bright lights (photo
- Brain abnormalities
- Brain damage
- Brain deterioration
- Branchial cysts
- Breast milk production
- Breathe
- Breathing problems
- Brittle hair
- Broad forehead
- Bruising
- Bulging eyes
- Burning
- Burning sensation to one side of the face
- But not side-to-side (horizontally)
- Cancerous tumor outside the colon
- Cannot consciously or voluntarily chew
- Carious teeth
- Cartilage within the ear may become thickened
- Cataract (congenital or infantile development)
- Changes in behavior
- Changes in personality
- Changes in vision
- Cheek pain
- Cheeks or neck
- Chest deformities
- Chest pain
- Chills
- Chills or feverblood
- Chronic diarrhea
- Chronic infection
- Chronic pain
- Cleft lip
- Cleft palate
- Cloudy eyes
- Clumsiness
- Clumsiness and coordination problems
- Coarse facial appearance
- Coarse hair
- Cognitive impairment
- Cognitive issues
- Cognitive or developmental delays
- Collapsed lungs
- Colors appearing faded or less vivid
- Colors that look washed out or different than usual
- Coma
- Compulsive and ritualistic routines
- Confusion
- Congenital heart defects
- Congenital muscular dystrophy
- Constipation
- Constricted pupil
- Contractures
- Convulsions
- Corneal opacification
- Cramped muscles
- Cramping
- Cramping in hands and feet
- Cramps
- Cranial nerve defects
- Craniofacial abnormalities
- Craniofacial malformations
- Crossed eyes
- Deafness
- Decreased alertness and activity
- Decreased fertility
- Decreased muscle tone
- Decreased pupil size
- Decreased range of motion
- Decreased reflexes
- Decreased sensation
- Defect in the eye
- Degeneration
- Deja vu
- Delay and eventual loss of skills previously acquired
- Delay in development
- Delay in growth and development
- Delay in tooth eruption
- Delayed ability to roll over
- Delayed ability to sit
- Delayed bone age
- Delayed development
- Delayed fine motor skill development
- Delayed gross motor development
- Delayed mental development
- Delayed speech and language development
- Dementia
- Dental cysts
- Dental defects
- Depression
- Deterioration of motor function
- Develop contractures
- Developmental delays
- Developmental disturbances
- Developmental regression
- Developmental retardation
- Diarrhea
- Difficulties with speaking or understanding others (aphasia)
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty chewing
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Difficulty looking upward and opening eyes
- Difficulty making judgments
- Difficulty reading
- Difficulty speaking
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty swallowingblood in e
- Difficulty walking
- Difficulty with balance
- Difficulty with speech or swallowingblood in e
- Dilated pupils
- Diminished muscle tone
- Diplopia
- Discolored skin
- Discomfort
- Distal sensory impairment
- Distinctive facial features
- Distinctive malformations of the head and facial (craniofacial) area as well as additional skeletal
- Distinctive malformations of the skull a
- Distractibility
- Disturbances
- Dizziness
- Dizziness with vertigo
- Double vision
- Double vision or loss of peripheral vision
- Drooling
- Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis)
- Drowsiness
- Dry mouth
- Dry skin
- Dysplastic nevi are large
- Dystonia
- Face paralysis
- Facial abnormalities
- Facial paralysis
- Facial skin lesions
- Facial weakness
- Failure to thrive
- Fatigue
- Feeding difficulties
- Feeding difficulties and developmental delay usually are manifest by or before 18 monthsdolichocephaly (a long skull)
- Fever
- Fevers
- Fingernails and toenails are exceptionally thin and formed
- Fingers
- Hair loss
- Hair loss (called alopecia)
- Hallucination
- Hand
- Hands and feet are smaller than normal
- Have a weak cry
- Have moles called dysplastic nevi
- Having unusual emotional outbursts
- Headache
- Headaches
- Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe
- Hearing loss
- Hearing loss or ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Heart defects
- Heart rate
- Hemiparesis
- Hiccups
- Idiosyncratic behaviors
- If on your leg
- Impaired brain function
- Impaired coordination
- Impaired muscle coordination
- Impaired thinking
- Impaired vision
- In many cases it is not ideally round but slightly ovally distorted
- In many individuals
- In which connective tissue such as cartilage turns blue
- Inability to completely open mouth
- Inability to tolerate heat or cold
- Including a triangularly shaped face
- Incoordination
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased heart rate
- Increased sensitivity to cold and heat
- Individuals can move their eyes up and down (vertically)
- Infants often have characteristic abnormalities of the head and face
- Inflammation
- Inflammation of the painful area
- Inside bend of the e
- Insomnia
- Intellectual deficits
- Intellectual disabilities
- Intellectual disability
- Intellectual impairment
- Interference with accurate color vision (dyschromatopsia)
- Intermittent nausea or vomiting
- Interruption of normal eating patters
- Involuntary jerking
- Involuntary jerking or writhing movements (chorea)
- Involuntary movement of arms or legs
- Involuntary movements
- Involuntary movementsblo
- Involuntary muscle contractions
- Involuntary muscle movement
- Involuntary muscle movements
- Ir
- Irregular
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Irritability
- Irritability and depression
- Itching or hives abdominal pain
- Itchy skin that feels warm to the touch
- Lack of appetite
- Lack of bone fusion
- Lack of controlled movement of a body part
- Lack of coordination
- Lack of facial expressi
- Lack of feeling
- Lack of typical reflexes
- Language disturbances
- Language problems
- Large
- Large head
- Large spleen
- Large tongue
- Learning disabilities
- Leg
- Leg pain
- Legs
- Lesions
- Lethargy
- Lethargy (worsens over time and can lead to coma)
- Life-threatening breathing difficulties
- Like crying or laughing at unexpected times
- Limb stiffness
- Limitation of movement
- Limited facial expressions and other peculiar mannerisms
- Listlessness
- Little neurological development
- Little or delayed opening (dilation) of the affected pupil in dim light
- Liver or lymph nodes
- Liver or lymph nodes abnormal hormone levels abnormal bone marrow cells skin changes
- Locomotion disturbances
- Long fingers
- Long toes
- Loose skin
- Loss of accurate color discrimination and visual acuity
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of awareness or consciousness
- Loss of balance
- Loss of balance with gait instability
- Loss of comprehension
- Loss of consciousness
- Loss of motor skills
- Loss of muscle control
- Loss of muscle strength or coordination
- Loss of night vision
- Loss of normal fear and anger responses
- Loss of range of motion
- Loss of reflexes
- Loss of sensation
- Loss of social decor
- Loss of speech
- Loss of strength in the arms and legs
- Loss of vision
- Low birth weight
- Low birthweight
- Low blood sugar
- Low muscle tone
- Low or high muscle tone
- Low-grade fever
- Low-set ears
- Malaise
- Malformed ears
- Malformed eyes
- Malformed head
- Malformed nostrils
- Malformed spine
- Maple syrup smelling earwax
- Maple syrup smelling urine
- Marked growth delays after birth
- May get worse when you lower your leg
- Memory loss
- Memory problems
- Mental decline
- Mental deterioration
- Mental disorders
- Mental retardation
- Microcephaly
- Microcephaly (a small head)
- Mild or profuse sweating around ears
- Mildly enlarged liver and/or spleen
- Moles
- Mood changes or problems concentratingb
- Mood swings
- Motor
- Motor development
- Motor disturbances
- Mouth pain
- Mouth ulcers
- Movement and strength
- Movement disorders
- Muscle atrophy
- Muscle contractions
- Muscle cr
- Muscle cramping
- Muscle cramps
- Muscle fasciculation
- Muscle pain
- Muscle problems
- Muscle rigidity (tightness of the muscles)
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle stiffness
- Muscle tension
- Muscle weakness
- Muscular dystrophy
- Myoclonic seizures
- Myokymia (continuous slow contractions in small muscles)
- Narrow shoulders
- Nausea
- Nausea or vomiting anemia or bleeding disorders bone and muscle pain enlarged liver
- Neck pain
- Neck stiffness
- Nerve condition in the shoulder and arm that results in weakness or loss of muscle function
- Neurogenic bladder
- Neurological abnormalities
- Neurological deficits
- Neurological degeneration
- Neurological deterioration
- Neurological dysfunction
- Neurological impairment
- Neurological manifestations: autism
- Obsessions
- Ochronosis
- Ochronotic
- Ocular abnormalities
- Ocular impairment
- Odd speech patterns
- Omitting
- Omphalocele
- Opisthotonos
- Or a weakening and loss of muscle at birth
- Or compulsive behaviors manifest as repetitive movements
- Or déjà vub
- Or find it hard to open jars or do up buttons
- Or find it harder to climb stairs
- Or finding words. continued auras (feelings that signal the start of a seizure).blood in
- Or foot
- Or legs)
- Or produce any movements other than those involving the eyes or eyelids
- Or slurring your words
- Or toes
- Or twitches
- Pain
- Pain in the area below the ribs on the back (flank) that doesn't go away
- Pain in the arms or legs – described as sharp
- Pain in the eye
- Pain or burning sensation
- Pain that is constantly burning or throbbing
- Pain that occurs with facial spasms
- Pain when urinating
- Pain while urinating
- Painful
- Painful eye movements
- Painful spasms
- Pale skin
- Paralysis
- Paralysis or limpness of the shoulder
- Paroxysmal headache that is not of typical migraine pattern
- Partial seizures
- Passing of blood with bowel movements
- Patients may also present muscle weakness
- Peeling skin rash
- Periodontal issues
- Permanently bent fingers (camptodactyly)
- Persistent infections
- Personality changes
- Photophobia
- Photosensitivity
- Pins and needles
- Pneumonia
- Polyps
- Poor appetite
- Poor breathing or no spontaneous breathing at all
- Poor coordination and trembling of the extremities
- Poor decision making skills
- Poor feeding
- Poor feeding habits
- Poor judgement
- Poor muscle tone
- Poor reasoning
- Poor reflexes
- Poor sexual functioning
- Poor social interactions
- Poor thinking
- Poor weight gain
- Premature closing of the soft spot on the head
- Prematurely aged appearance
- Problems in the articulation of speech
- Problems seeing
- Problems with breathing
- Problems with cognitive and emotional regulation
- Problems with eyesight
- Profound intellectual disability and seizuresblood i
- Prognathism (a protruding lower jaw)blood in eye
- Progressive narrowing of visual field
- Progressive supranuclear palsy- becoming more forgetful and cranky
- Prominent forehead
- Protruding eyes
- Pseudomyotonia (delayed relaxation followed by contraction)
- Psychological signs like worry
- Psychosis
- Scalp numbness. nausea. feeling tired or depressed. headaches. difficulty speaking
- Scoliosis
- Seizures
- Seizures (in later stages)
- Sensitivity to sound
- Sensory hearing loss
- Serious brain findings
- Severe delays in the acquisition of skills requiring the coordination of mental and motor activities
- Severe growth failure
- Severe or sudden back pain
- Severe to profound mental retardation
- Shooting or jabbing pain
- Shooting or numbing
- Short bursts of severe pain
- Short head
- Short muscle-tendons
- Short muscles and tendons that result in limited mobility of the hands
- Short neck
- Short stature
- Shortness of breath
- Shoulder
- Shoulder pain
- Six or more café-au-lait spots of at least 5 millimeters [mm] in size (before puberty) or 15 mm in size (after puberty)
- Skeletal abnormalities
- Skin changes
- Skin color changes
- Skin cysts
- Skin flushing
- Skin infections
- Skin lesions
- Skin problems
- Skin temperature fluctuations
- Skin textu
- Skull defects
- Skull in a triangular shape
- Sleep apnea
- Sleep disturbances
- Sleepiness
- Sleeping longer and more often
- Sleeping problems
- Slight elevation of the lower lid
- Slightly coarse facial features
- Slow or unusual eye movements
- Slowing of mental and motor development
- Slurred speech
- Slurred speech and abnormal eye movements
- Small head
- Small jaw
- Small nose
- Snoring and airway obstruction due to a tongue that falls toward the throat
- Social abnormalities
- Socially inappropriate behavior
- Soles
- Sowing of mental
- Sparse hair
- Spasms
- Spasps
- Spasticity
- Speak
- Speaking difficulties
- Speech delay
- Speech difficulties
- Speech disabilities
- Speech problems
- Spleen or lymph nodes depression
- Spontaneous attacks of pain
- Spontaneous sweating in response to food stimuli
- Stereotyped
- Stereotyped speech
- Stiff arms and legs (called spasticity)
- Stiff joints
- Stiff muscles
- Stiff neck
- Stiffness
- Stroke
- Strokes
- Structural abnormalities
- Structural heart defects
- Stunted growth
- Such as blurred vision
- Such as rigidity or muscle contracture (dystonia)
- Such as seeing double or blurriness
- Sudden
- Sunken eyes
- Swallow
- Sweating
- Sweating after eating certain foods
- Swelling
- Swelling and tenderness of the skin
- Swelling of the brain (cerebral edema) caused by hyperammonemiablood
- Swelling of the entire or just a portion of the arm
- Swollen belly
- Swollen joints
- Systemic manifestations: joint stiffness
- Talking more slowly than usual
- Temporary confusion a staring spell
- Temporary perplexity
- Tenderness
- Terror
- The center degenerates (atrophies) such that older lesions have a reddish border with porcelain-white
- The lesions may sometimes itch (pruritus)
- The lesions start as reddish or pink bumps and eventually
- The palms
- The pupil is larger than normal (dilated) all the time and does not constrict very much or not at all in response to direct light
- Thickening of the skin on the palm of your hand
- Thickening skin
- Thin upper lips
- Thunderbolt headaches
- Tics
- Tight and painful muscle spasms in the arm
- Tightness
- Tingling
- Tingling and burning
- Tingling and weakness in your legs
- Tingling and weakness in your legs enlarged spleen
- Tingling or painful sensations in the hands or feet
- Tingling sensation in arms
- Tiredness
- Too much fluid in the brain
- Touch or cold sensitivity
- Transient impaired conscious level
- Tremor
- Tremors
- Tremors in the hands
- Trouble controlling eye movements
- Trouble seeing
- Trouble speaking
- Trouble swallowing
- Twitching of the facial muscles
- Two or more neurofibromas of any type or one plexiform neurofib
- Typically on one side of your body
- Ulcers
- Uncontrollable arm and leg movements
- Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
- Uncontrollable vomiting and hiccups
- Uncoordinated movements
- Underdeveloped facial muscles and surrounding bones
- Underdeveloped genitals
- Underdeveloped proportions
- Underdeveloped upper jaw and lower jaw
- Underdevelopment of the outer ear (microtia)
- Unexplained fever
- Unexplained nausea or vomiting
- Walking unsteadily
- Warmth
- Wavy central vision
- Weak muscle tone (known as hypotonia)
- Weakened muscle coordination
- Weakening and loss of muscle at birth
- Weakness
- Weakness and sweating around affected area
- Weakness in the arms and legs
- Weakness in the arms or legs
- Weakness in your ankle or leg – you might trip